.XYZ – For every website, everywhere®

Made with

in California for Generations X, Y, and Z

About .xyz:

.xyz gives you the freedom of choice and the spark to innovate. Go you creators, you rebels, you coders and developers, you creatives, you inventors and innovators. Go #GenXYZ!

With influential adopters like MIT (Engine.xyz), the co-founders of Skype (Starship.xyz), Deloitte (Exponentials.xyz), and HBO (Hooli.xyz), along with millions of others in over 230 countries and territories worldwide, .xyz is the go-to domain extension for the next generation of internet users.

.xyz has become the go-to domain ending for Generations X, Y and Z: the next generation of internet users. How, you ask? By hitting the reset button on the internet and giving millions of new internet users around the world a chance to get the domain name they want, with a domain ending that just makes sense.

The alphabet ends in xyz, and so should your domain name. It’s short and memorable, it’s catchy, and it connects you with Generations X, Y and Z. Just like you use “xyz” to take on any meaning in a sentence, the .xyz domain can be whatever you want it to be. Get creative with a great name to the left side of .xyz and let your clients and friends remember your online presence with a .xyz domain.

Popularity of XYZ

• .xyz domains are used in more than 230 countries and territories around the world!

• Over 1.5 million .xyz domains have been registered!

• Since 2014 .xyz has been one of the most popular new domains, with millions of domains registered.

• .xyz is one of the most popular low-cost domains in the world!

• According to WIRED magazine “.xyz will be ending .com dominance”.

• According to Yahoo Small Business “.xyz is the most popular of the new breed of Internet addresses”.

• “Can’t find a .com domain for your business? Try .xyz” -Los Angeles Business Journal.

• “XYZ. It’s universal yet abstract. And catchy.” -NPR’s David Kestenbaum.

• Did you know Hooli.xyz was featured in the HBO show, Silicon Valley?

• Did you know Google’s parent company, Alphabet, has their website on abc.xyz?


Popularity in a geographic region*

• In China, .xyz means “Little Universe” (小宇宙).

• .xyz is the most popular new domain ending in Asia!

• .xyz is sold in more than 230 countries and territories around the globe!

• .xyz is the most popular new domain ending in India!

• .xyz is the most popular new domain ending in Indonesia!

• .xyz is the most popular new domain ending in Mexico!

• .xyz is the most popular new domain ending in South Korea!

• .xyz is the most popular new domain ending in Vietnam!

• .xyz is the most popular new domain ending in the USA!

• .xyz is the most popular new domain ending in Canada!

• .xyz is the most popular new domain ending in France!


From now until 30 December 2019 get a .XYZ domain free with any of our hosting plans. Just use the discount code below during checkout.